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Shanghai New International Expo Center

Boutique zoning, library expansion, audience stratification, the 112th department store will upgrade the all-round character

112The China General Merchandise Fair (hereinafter referred to as the "General Merchandise Fair") will be held soon726-28It was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center。Exhibitors and buyers on this year112The scale and quality of the general merchandise exhibition have higher expectations。In fact, the112The session of the department store in the preparatory period has shown many highlights, will be able to make the on-site department store operators feel the scale of the exhibition, the level of exhibitors, the level of exhibits and the organization of the conference and other aspects of all-round character improvement。


分区:EThe pavilion will showcase the new high-end fashion boutique area and more exhibitions


In the era of "consumption upgrade", No112At the same time, the department store will emphasize the quality of exhibitors and products, but also continue to refine the classification of exhibits: from quality to refinement, from practical to high-end, from lifestyle to quality of life, from domestic boutique to imported brands, so that exhibitors and exhibits precise division, in order to facilitate professional buyers to focus on efficient targeting to find their favorite goods。


Without a doubt,E馆是112The department store will be a well-deserved boutique。First, a new high-end fashion district will be unveiledEPavilion, for the arrival of professional buyers to show the department store industry "new ideas", so that they one-stop visit to purchase distinctive characteristics, excellent quality of domestic and foreign department store boutique。


 其次,112General merchandise fairEThe museum gathers the department store70%Above new exhibitors, a large number of new products are concentrated inE馆。Before the exhibition, the organizers communicated with large buyers across the country and found that80%The above buyers also hope to see more new suppliers at the exhibition site to find more new business opportunities。Department store industry heavyweight coffee manufacturers also sawEPavilion innovation value, have a strong landingEPavilion, such as Xi 'an Jia assistant, beauty, Shanghai Hanshan ceramics, Songfa porcelain and a large number of exhibitors with strong influence in the industry settledEPavilion, together with many new exhibitors, will be in726-78Shanghai Department Store will stage a high-quality department store show with the new force。因此,EPavilion will be the focus of big buyers。


 Again, as in previous years, many outstanding pavilions will also be presentEThe pavilion exhibits a unified image with more characteristics and a sense of quality。This year's department store will be "Fujian goods. The Fujian exhibition group with the theme of "China Trip" has as many as120The exhibition area of a standard booth was exhibited, and the Shanxi Wenxi Exhibition group, the Japanese exhibition group and the South Korean exhibition group were also expandedEThe exhibition scale of the museum。Therefore, visitEThe pavilion allows professional buyers to easily find regional production bases and brand new department store products with distinctive regional characteristics and price advantages。


Expansion: East Registration Hall opens as112The main entrance of the department store


112The new department store will be addedE7Pavilion number, pavilion number reached12The exhibition area of the exhibition hall reaches16More than ten thousand square meters。Exhibitors exceed2,000Home, covering all areas of the department store industry, including knitted towels, ceramic products, plastic products, glass products, bamboo and wood products, cleaning supplies, cups and POTS as well as kitchen knives and meals17Large categories, exhibitors covering major domestic industrial bases。Therefore, the112The department Store Fair is a veritable comprehensive trade platform for information exchange and commodity exhibition of China's department store industry。


配套12The large exhibition hall opens at the same time,112The Shanghai New International Expo Center East Registration Hall was opened for the first time。In order to effectively divide the audience, shorten the admission time, improve the admission experience, and better serviceEPavilion exhibitors, in particularE7Exhibitors and organizers will vigorously promote and promote the newly opened East Registration Hall this year, and attract professional visitors to enter from the East Registration HallE7The pavilion, making it worthy of its name112The main entrance of the department store。The East Registration Hall is located on Huamu Road7号门3Entrance hall。


The main measures of the organizer's drainage include: the east registration hall will become the official publicity of the exhibition entrance, before the exhibition, the organizer will promote the exhibition entrance as the East hall through online and offline channels;Organizers will arrange from all over the country20A local wholesale and retail market near3000The buyers take the group bus directly to the East Hall, fromE7Enter the pavilion;The organizers will add more this year40A shuttle bus will take the subway directly2Visitors arriving at Longyang Road Station by ferry to the East Registration Hall。


分层:TAPPriority will be given to large buyers and group visitorsE

As with the zoning of exhibitors and exhibits, no112The organizer of the department store exhibition also stratified the audience and analyzedTAPLarge buyers and group visitors are given extra privileges to enhance their exhibition experience as much as possible。TAPLarge buyers according to Reed Exhibitions Group's unique"TAPDiamond VIP Buyer Program "Screening。According to the program, the organizers will invite buyers from the world's leading retail companies with clear purchasing intentions to purchase and provide a series of respected services。


112General merchandise fairTAPDiamond VIP buyers mainly come from large, small and medium-sized chain shopping malls, supermarkets, dealers, agents, import and export trading companies, etc。The organizer will arrangeTAPDiamond VIP buyers are all admitted from the East Registration Hall, priority accessEPavilion exhibitors, looking for new exhibitors and new products, at the same time, still inE7Hall number is setTAPDiamond VIP Buyers Lounge and procurement docking office。A good deal ofTAPDiamond VIP buyers have priority to visit and rest here and make procurement docking, will letE7Pavilion exhibitors will have a unique advantage to get orders and business。


Meanwhile, control112The department store will be organized from all over the country20A department store professional wholesale market (see the list below), in the form of official group unified organization of visits。As the flagship exhibition of the department store industry with leading influence in China,112The department store will look at the whole country, not only communicate frequently with the national key department store market, but also sink the third - and fourth-tier city batch market to help exhibitors find more downstream buyers。These professional market groups of visitors will also be arranged by the organizer by the East registration Hall admission priority visitE馆。



Group name

Number of buses

Expected number of people

Zhejiang Province

Huangyan City

Huangyan e-commerce group



Yiwu City

Yiwu Trade City Group



Jiangsu Province

Wuxi City

Wuxi International Fair group




Suning commodity wholesale city group



Nanjing Suning2号团



Nanjing Jinqiao market group



Suzhou City

Qian Wanli Bridge market group



Zhongxiang Market Group



Nantong City

Nantong Recruiting Mall



Shandong Province

Linyi City

Linyi East China plastic city group



Linyi small commodity wholesale market group



Linyi small group



Henan Province

The city of Zhengzhou

Bailong World Trade Mall group

High-speed train pick-up


Guangdong Province

Guangzhou City

Shaxi Market Group

Aircraft pick-up


Yunnan Province

Kunming City

Kunming new Luosiwan group

Aircraft pick-up



112The Department Store will provide department store industry colleagues with the annual home department store field new ideas, new information, technology, new products and new services。726-28Shanghai New International Expo Center,112The department store will be held12The scale of the linkage of the museum, more boutique exhibitors, invite colleagues in the department store industry to share the industry feast of department store home!